Monday, 19 December 2011

Juliana Cinque, MD, Explains Chemical Peels

Pleasanton dermatologist Juliana Cinque MD, offers a wide variety of treatments that can help improve the appearance of skin. She can provide medications that patients can use at home, and she can help coach patients to change their habits to keep their skin glowing with health. But some patients need a bit more help from Juliana Cinque, MD. These patients may have persistent acne that doesn't respond to normal forms of treatment. Or, they may have dark spots or weathered skin that's difficult to treat with medications and creams. These patients may benefit from chemical peels Dr. Cinque can provide in her office.

The idea behind a chemical peel is easy to understand, Juliana Cinque, MD, says. A chemical is brushed onto the skin and left there for a few minutes. The chemical works to remove the upper layers of skin that contain the damage. Underneath those damaged upper layers lie healthy layers of skin, and these layers emerge after a chemical peel.

Juliana Cinque MD, can provide salicylic acid peels and glycolic acid peels. Some patients benefit from one type of peel, while other patients benefit from the other type. Dr. Cinque can provide expert advice to help patients choose the right sort of peel to treat their condition. Some patients benefit from just one peel, while other patients need to visit Juliana Cinque, MD, for repeated treatments to see the most benefit.

Dr. Cinque explains the procedure carefully before she begins, and she's careful to outline the steps patients must take at home to take care of their skin after a chemical peel. Patients might need to use extra sun protection after a peel, for example, and they must not pick at their skin as it heals. By providing expert advice about home care, Juliana Cinque, MD, does her best to help her patients receive the most benefit from the peels she provides.

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