Monday 8 October 2012

Pleasanton Dermatologist, Outlines Cosmetic Services

Dermatologists like Juliana Cinque, MD, can help their clients overcome serious medical conditions relating to the skin. Cysts, rashes, acne and more can all be very distressing, and these conditions can be difficult for general practitioners to deal with in a regular doctor's appointment. For many people, dermatology is really only needed when a serious medical condition strikes. However, talented people like Pleasanton dermatologist Juliana Cinque can do more than simply care for diseased skin. In fact, these professionals may be able to provide care that helps to improve self-esteem.

In her office, Dr. Cinque can provide a variety of treatments that can help people to look better, and feel better about themselves. She can provide light treatments to improve the look and feel of damaged skin, for example, and she can provide injections of Botox in order to help reduce the appearance of wrinkles.

These treatments might seem frivolous, but as Juliana Cinque, Pleasanton dermatologist explains, this care might help people to feel more confident and more relaxed. They know that they look great, and this might give them the boost they need in order to ask for a promotion, accept a date or succeed in a debate. It's not a small intervention, to these people. In fact, it might make all the difference in their quality of life.

As a medical doctor, Juliana Cinque also has the skills required to ensure that people are well enough to go through these treatments. While most are considered safe and completely acceptable for almost anyone to go through, she is careful to screen her patients and make sure they're fully prepared for the procedures before they begin.

Caring Touch

For over 18 years, Juliana Cinque, MD, has been providing dermatology services to people living in the Tri-Valley area. It's uncommon for medical professionals to stay in one location, with one set of clients, for such a long period of time, but professionals who do so may be able to offer their clients some unique benefits. For example, Juliana Cinque, MD, has worked with some patients on their adolescent skin disorders, and she's then had the opportunity to help the children of these clients when they develop adolescent skin disorders of their own. Her knowledge of the family medical history can be invaluable, as she'll know how the parents reacted to specific medications, and how the disorders tended to change over time. This could play a large role in the course of treatment that Juliana Cinque, MD, recommends to her patients.

Staying in the same location also has some benefits for Juliana Cinque. In her many years of practice, Dr. Cinque has developed a reputation for her calm, gentle and measured approach, and this can be appealing to many clients. When people in Pleasanton need a good dermatologist, and they ask their friends and neighbors for recommendations, it's likely that the name of Juliana Cinque, MD, rises to the top of the list. She has such a good reputation in the community, due to her long length of service and the compassionate care she has provided during that time.

The office is located at 5575 W. Las Positas Blvd. in Pleasanton. Appointments with Dr. Cinque are currently available, and they can be made online at

Monday 19 December 2011

Juliana Cinque, MD, Explains Chemical Peels

Pleasanton dermatologist Juliana Cinque MD, offers a wide variety of treatments that can help improve the appearance of skin. She can provide medications that patients can use at home, and she can help coach patients to change their habits to keep their skin glowing with health. But some patients need a bit more help from Juliana Cinque, MD. These patients may have persistent acne that doesn't respond to normal forms of treatment. Or, they may have dark spots or weathered skin that's difficult to treat with medications and creams. These patients may benefit from chemical peels Dr. Cinque can provide in her office.

The idea behind a chemical peel is easy to understand, Juliana Cinque, MD, says. A chemical is brushed onto the skin and left there for a few minutes. The chemical works to remove the upper layers of skin that contain the damage. Underneath those damaged upper layers lie healthy layers of skin, and these layers emerge after a chemical peel.

Juliana Cinque MD, can provide salicylic acid peels and glycolic acid peels. Some patients benefit from one type of peel, while other patients benefit from the other type. Dr. Cinque can provide expert advice to help patients choose the right sort of peel to treat their condition. Some patients benefit from just one peel, while other patients need to visit Juliana Cinque, MD, for repeated treatments to see the most benefit.

Dr. Cinque explains the procedure carefully before she begins, and she's careful to outline the steps patients must take at home to take care of their skin after a chemical peel. Patients might need to use extra sun protection after a peel, for example, and they must not pick at their skin as it heals. By providing expert advice about home care, Juliana Cinque, MD, does her best to help her patients receive the most benefit from the peels she provides.

Talking About Psoriasis with Juliana Cinque, MD

According to Juliana Cinque MD, psoriasis is a chronic condition that often runs in families. People with psoriasis have a disruption in the normal growth mechanism of the skin. The skin grows incredibly quickly, and new skin cells rise to the surface long before the older skin cells can slough off. It sounds technical, but in essence, the skin is simply growing much too fast, and cells are being trapped in place. This leads to large, red patches of flaky skin.

Pleasanton dermatologist Juliana Cinque, MD, can assist these patients by prescribing medicated creams. These creams can penetrate the skin and stop the skin cells from growing quite so fast, allowing the plaques to heal and the skin to function normally once more. Juliana Cinque, MD, may also prescribe light therapy for her patients. Sometimes psoriasis changes can be stopped when the skin is exposed to high doses of light at regular intervals.

Psoriasis is a chronic condition, so there is no way to "cure" the disease. Juliana Cinque, MD, may provide care for her patients for years and years, helping them regain control and deal with flare-ups as they occur. She is careful to explain the disease to her patients, and she provides counseling that may help them avoid flare-ups in the future. Avoiding alcohol and smoking may help, for example, or Juliana Cinque MD, may work with the patient's doctor to eliminate prescription medications for depression that could contribute to psoriasis.

Thursday 15 December 2011

Juliana Cinque, MD, Discusses Rosacea

As a dermatologist, Juliana Cinque, MD, is qualified to diagnose and treat a wide variety of conditions that can impact the skin. Often, patients visit Juliana Cinque, MD, with acne complaints, wrinkles that won't smooth or moles that seem suspicious. From time to time, however, Dr. Cinque sees patients with an entirely different condition. This skin problem is called rosacea and it's more common than you might think.

People with rosacea tend to have red splotches on their noses, cheeks, chins and foreheads. These spots may be just mild and pink, or they could be deeply red and hard to ignore. Some people with rosacea tend to develop puss-filled pockets along with their red skin, and others tend to develop a thickening of the skin on the nose. Juliana Cinque, MD, often hears these patients complain of a burning or itching feeling in the skin along with the redness.

Some mild cases of rosacea need no treatment, but Juliana Cinque, MD, can provide advice that could reduce symptoms. For example, some people with rosacea have increased symptoms when they drink alcohol or spend time in very cold weather. She may advise them to eliminate these behaviors, and then come back for a follow-up visit to see if symptoms have improved.

Moderate to severe cases of rosacea may benefit from treatments that Juliana Cinque, MD, can provide. She might prescribe medications to help manage symptoms, for example. Some rosacea patients improve when they're given oral antibiotics, while others might improve when they're given topical ointments. Juliana Cinque, MD, may also suggest that patients amend their diets to remove some of the foods that could cause rosacea symptoms.

Juliana Cinque, MD, has a calm and caring demeanor that can put patients at ease. She provides reasonable steps people can take to reduce their symptoms, and she stays involved to ensure that those steps are working.

Wednesday 14 December 2011

Preparing for an Appointment with Pleasanton Dermatologist Juliana Cinque, MD

When your doctor recommends that you visit a dermatologist like Juliana Cinque, MD, it can be difficult to know what to expect from the appointment. While you might know that your skin will be inspected, and perhaps you'll be given short treatments to help your problem, you may not know what to bring or what to do at home to prepare. Following a few simple steps can help you prepare for your time with Pleasanton dermatologist Juliana Cinque MD.

For starters, you should wear no makeup when you visit. Dr. Cinque will need to inspect your skin closely and look for the conditions that might be causing your symptoms. While you might be accustomed to covering up your skin with makeup so you can hide the symptoms away, this is the wrong tack to take when you're preparing for a dermatology appointment. Leave all makeup on the shelf for that day.

Next, you should bring a list of all medications you're taking, whether or not you're taking those medications to treat your skin conditions. Some medications can directly impact the health of your skin, and Juliana Cinque, MD, will want to rule out any medication interactions before she prescribes her own medications.

And finally, be prepared to discuss your family history of the skin condition you're experiencing. This may mean calling up your family members and asking them if they've ever had anything similar to the condition you're having. This can help Juliana Cinque, MD, determine the proper course of treatment for you. In addition, you might be asked to describe when the condition started, and why it may have started at that time. Pulling those thoughts together now can help you move through your appointment with Juliana Cinque, MD, with ease.